Thursday, February 24, 2011

another day with blog :-/

Today we did some kind of speaking activities different than previous speaking activities.All students came together and sat face to face.Then each group has one speaker who asked questions to friend who sat in face with her/him and listened.After finished everyone relocate and again did same thing with different partners.Also we learnt some new slang terms and last lesson we did a quiz about yesterday's topic.The most important point about today was graphic writing practice.We saw variety of graphics such as;table,line chart and some sample of described graphics.There is a one writing part ,which describe a graph, in IELTS exam so,our books include lots of exercise and probably we will do more practice about that.Finally, we talked about eating habits which kind of diet is more healthier, which one is harmful we talked these. And I want to add one thing more differences between american and british english is really very interesting:))

1 comment:

  1. The differences American and British English are verrrrrrrry interesting ;)
