Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Today lesson started with speaking like yesterday and then we read and talked  about some documents. It was about process writing and teacher told us some information about that. Also, we did listening activities from our new book which named contemporary topics 3. First unit was very interesting, it was about slang and language changes. I think  slang was required for speaking with native people because, we can't use  academic language in the streets. It could be found strange and repulsive. Anyway, we answered questions via using our notes after listened the text.

1 comment:

  1. Thats an interesting idea. Academic language is great for academia - but it can make normal people think you that you are strange sometimes. This is very true.

    Today's lesson started with speaking like yesterday and then we read and talked about some documents. It was about process writing and the/our teacher gave us some information about it. Also, we did listening activities from our new book which is named contemporary topics 3. The First unit was very interesting, it was about slang and language changes. I think slang is necessary for speaking with native people because, we can't use academic language in the streets. It could be found to be strange and repulsive. Anyway, we answered questions via using our notes after listened the text.
