Tuesday, March 22, 2011

new words

Bribe(v)--> to try to make someone do something for you by giving them money, presents or something else that they want
Ex: He bribed immigration officials and entered the country illegally.
Synonyms = allurement, bait, blackmail

Coalition(n)--> the joining together of different political parties or groups for a particular purpose, usually for a limited time
Synonyms = affiliation, alliance, combine
Antonyms = disassociation
Ex : Government by coalition has its own peculiar set of problems

Proportion(n)--> the number or amount of a group or part of something when compared to the whole
Synonyms = distribution, division, equation
Antonyms = disproportion, imbalance, unevenness
Ex : A higher proportion of women now smoke than used to be the case.

Miscalculation(n)--> to judge a situation badly
Synonyms = misinterpretation, misjudgment, misreckoning,
Ex : He miscalculated badly when he underestimated the response of the international community to the invasion.

Procrastinate(v)--> to keep delaying something that must be done, often because it is unpleasant or boring
Synonyms = hesitate, delay, postpone
Antonyms = accelerate, advance, complete
Ex : I know I've got to deal with the problem at some point - I'm just procrastinating

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